Ransomware and cloud based storage

Krebs on Security had a great artical called “Ransomware a Threat to Cloud Services, Too” published on 1/16/16. http://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/01/ransomware-a-threat-to-cloud-services-too/

As more and more small to mid sized businesses move to cloud based storage, concerns about the security and restoration of their data needs to be considered. Unfortunately I’ve had my share of emergency last minute data restore from backups due to a client clicking on a email attachment and not only encrypting their computer, but their server data also. A good and reliable backup saved the day each time.

Krebs article walks through one businesses story of ransomware hitting their cloud based data. The moral of the story, make sure you have a reliable and easy to restore backup.


Ransomware and cloud based storage

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